
Let’s talk about Real Estate Asset Management after you close Escrow. Rob Rowsell has the rundown on what you should expect from your property management company’s business plan once you close on Escrow. Work hand in hand with your on-site manager and his team, so they know what to expect from you, and vice versa. Regular weekly meetings are key tools to keep up with the management team’s progress. Rob recommends quarterly on-site visits as well.

Real Estate Asset Managagement - After you close Escrow, what do you look for in a Property Management company?Real Estate Asset Management through a Property Management Company

You’ve closed Escrow on your new multifamily investment. Now what? When you hired a property management company, they agreed to your written business plan for your real estate asset management. Make sure this plan includes:

  1. Monday Morning Reports (MMR): Train your onsite manager on how you want this spreadsheet filled out weekly. They should report how much rent is collected, vacancy percentage, evictions, renewals, number of maintenance calls made and performed, and number of parties interested in the property.
  2. Weekly Meetings: After each Monday Morning Report, you should email your questions and concerns, then have a phone or Zoom meeting to discuss them. For smaller properties, you may not need to meet each week, but at least bi-weekly meetings are important. Ask the hard questions!
  3. Review Income Statements: You’d be surprised about how much money is leaking out the door due to regular tasks being put off or neglected. Examples include overdue electric bills accruing penalties, and utility bills not being switched over to tenants as soon as they move in. Perhaps the property has bought equipment or tools that the maintenance staff should already own.
  4. Site Visits (as needed): You should occasionally drop in to see the rental property in person. Quarterly is typically the right frequency.
  5. Managing Construction (Value Add): Usually, you or a teammate will need to oversee your construction manager for repairs.
  6. Negotiating Contracts with Vendors
  7. Approving Cap Ex proposals
  8. Regular Investor Updates: Rob posts videos in his online portal to update his investors on their property.
  9. Quarterly Investor Disbursements
  10. Whatever Else May Come Up…

Join Our Community

Do you own multifamily properties? If not, do you aspire to one day? Then you should consider joining our online discussion group, the ATL Community! Each month, Rob Rowsell will teach you what you must do in order to build wealth in the real estate business. It’s not as easy as it looks! Property taxes, liens, and legal fees can all be hard to navigate, so having a successful guide in your corner like Rob is a must! Enroll today!


Time to Sell Your Rental Property? Make sure you have all of your ducks in a row!Ready to cash in? Rob has all the tips on preparing to sell rental property! You’ve bought, sold, and renovated your multifamily investment. Go through this checklist to make sure you are prepared to sell it!

Preparing to Sell Rental Property When It’s Time For the Sale

Rob starts out by explaining the full cycle of real estate, which is “buy-fix-sell”. The final step, of course, is selling your property. Here are some tips to get you ready for that sale:

  1. When you are preparing to sell rental property, you must understand that it has been an ongoing process since you acquired it. The entire time you own a multifamily dwelling, you are continually repairing and upgrading it.
  2. Gather any and all documents you will need for prospective buyers. The more information they can easily access about your property, the better. Keep all of these documents online in Dropbox or Google Drive.
  3. Interview the selling broker. Make sure you vet them properly.
  4. Negotiate the broker contract. A good contract benefits both sides.
  5. Review and qualify potential buyers’ offers. The broker may provide you a spreadsheet so you can see each buyer’s qualifications.
  6. Select the buyer. Offers will soon roll in. It’s up to you to choose the right one.
  7. Open Escrow. This process will pave the way for the last steps in the selling process.
  8. Manage all the buyers’ requests while Escrow is opening up. They will be looking for your title agreement, income reports, and more to make sure everything is kosher. Again, you should have digital copies online for them to review.
  9. Maintain occupancy and collections during Escrow. If your buyer is applying for a federal loan, you must keep occupancy at 90% minimum for 90 days. Otherwise, you will need to file for an extension. Your deal will fall through if you can’t get one.

Join Our Community

Do you own multifamily properties? Do you aspire to build wealth? Then you should consider joining our online discussion group, the ATL Community! Each month, Rob Rowsell will teach you what you must do in order to build wealth in the real estate business. It’s not as easy as it looks! Property taxes, liens, and legal fees can all be hard to navigate, so having a successful guide in your corner like Rob is a must! Enroll today!


The Anatomy of a Multifamily Deal

Key Topics:

  • 2 Types of ” Reg D Syndication
  • “Buy Box” Criteria
  • “Fly-by” Acquisition – Deal Flow
  • After the close of Escrow
  • Time for sale disposition
  • Buy & Hold