"Addicted to Life" Chapter 1 Review - You Have Got to Be Done!
Rob begins this series describing the moment he decided he was done with his drug addicted, prison bound lifestyle. To read about the rest of his story, buy the book “Addicted to Life” today at http://www.robrowsell.com/addicted-life-book.

"Addicted to Life" Chapter 2 Review - Get Uncomfortable and Take Action!
In this fresh webinar, Rob reviews ATL Chapter 2. The chapter theme is “Get Uncomfortable and Take Action”. Rob also discusses the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey, and the Four Quadrants. Repeat after me: I am an Action Taker and I am done settling for “Good Enough”!
Learn about Advantage with a capital A. Learn about transformation by taking action. When is enough enough thinking? Other topics: the curved road, humility photos, bulldog, becoming the head of the pack in your marketplace. Rob was a shining beacon today and on fire. Powerful and Enlightening!

"Addicted to Life" Chapter 3 Review - Create a Wave of Momentum
In this chapter review webinar, Rob talks about how the world rewards action. He explains how stacked actions create the wave of momentum. The biggest battle we have is between our ears. Being outside your comfort zone is where life begins.

"Addicted to Life" Chapter 4 Review - You Have to Prepare NOW for What’s Coming!
In this chapter review webinar, Rob talks about:
- Ideal Scenes
- Advantages
- Gradual Transformation
- Key questions to ask yourself about your preparation
- Carlton Sheets
- Richard Broadwater
- Ending feelings of inadequacy

"Addicted to Life" Chapter 5 Review - You Must Be Open to the Unexpected!
Fresh! In this chapter review webinar, Rob talks about:
- Chapter 1 – 8 review
- Don’t waste of gifts and talents to stay where you are
- Jim Rohn “Leadership Weekend” CD Set – must buy!
- Finding a mentor for you

"Addicted to Life" Chapter 6 Review - You Won’t Always Feel Like You’re Winning!
In this fresh webinar, Rob reviews ATL Chapter 6. The chapter theme is “You Won’t Always Feel Like You’re Winning!”
Rob tells the story of finalizing his first auto repair shop purchase. He then discusses the concept of Four Seasons of life: Winter, Summer, Spring, and Harvest. Don’t apologize for the fruits of your harvest – humbly thank God for them! You won’t always feel like you’re winning when you’re winning – you will experience your fair share of Pain and Victory in life.

"Addicted to Life" Chapter 7 Review - You Must Understand the Law of Exposure!
In this fresh webinar, Rob reviews ATL Chapter 7. The chapter theme is “You Must Understand the Law of Exposure!”
Rob reviews many ways he has lived the Law of Exposure, including the following:
- Mentors
- Books
- Podcasts
- Phone Apps
Being a continuous learner is of the utmost importance. Remember: Exposure, Exposure, Exposure creates Belief. Then, Action enhances your life.

"Addicted to Life" Chapter 8 Review - You Won’t Do it Alone!
If you think you are a self-made person you are confused! Be humble enough to ask for help – get a coach who specializes in your field! In this final chapter discussion, Rob talks about “the Flimsy Reed”, and how your staff members are your lifeline.