compounding wealth

There are just 3 C’s (and 1 K) to winning the money game! It all centers around properly investing your active income. This is how you build wealth through compound interest. Do you want to build a continuous wealth building machine? Learn how successful multifamily real estate investor Rob Rowsell does it, straight from Rob himself!

Wealth Through Compound Interest Explained

Money Magnet - Wealth Through Compound InterestIn order to win the money game, focus on the 3 C’s (and 1 K) outlined below:


When you start your wealth building journey, your focus is on Active Income. This usually means the money that you earn through working a W2 job. While you work, you need to focus on maximizing your personal earnings. Consult with your CPA to reduce your taxes (starting an LLC is a great first step), finding your side hustle, and control your own personal expenses. When you master your side hustle, that will create surplus cash that you can use to start investing.

Compound, aka Building Wealth Through Compound Interest

The act of compounding wealth consists of buying and building assets. Over time, investing in those assets will build your wealth through compound interest. This is what we call Passive Income, or money that we don’t earn through a job. Rather, we build our fortune through the  Focus on the “doubling clock”. The earlier you start this wealth clock in your life, the more you will double your assets over time.


The “K” in this series refers to the mental shift in keeping your money. This means moving from focusing on Active and Passive Income to relying more on Passive Residual Income (PRI), which many also call Horizontal Income. At this point in your wealth journey, you should start planning your exit. Have a clear vision of what your retirement phase of life looks like.


Lock in the win! It’s time to play it a little more safe with your investments. However, you still need to keep your eyes on your money. Stay engaged and stay relevant. Enjoy the “compound curve” and get ready to enjoy your golden years. Remember, billionaire financial wizard Warren Buffett amassed most of his fortune after the age of 68, and he had been investing most of his adult life!

Join Our Multifamily Investing Community Today

Do you own your own multifamily rental properties? If not, do you plan to do so one day? Then you should consider joining our online financial group, the ATL Inner Circle Community! Each month, investing pro Rob Rowsell will teach you what you must do in order to build wealth in the real estate business. It’s not quite as easy as it looks! Property taxes, liens, and legal fees can all be hard to navigate, so having a successful guide in your corner like Rob is a must! Sign up today!


Compounding Wealth, Episode 3

  • Rob’s Six Pillars
  • Income & Expenses
  • Wealth Mastery
  • 5 Foundational Wealth Principles
  • 8 Wealth Bottom Lines
  • Estate Planning Checklist: Must Do
  • Estate Planning Checklist: Rob Would Never Do