The 3 Formulas For Life: Escape What’s Holding You Back!


Rob Rowsell’s personal success coach Trevor McGregor explains the 3 Formulas for Life. This motivational speech will give you perspective on escaping the unproductive, negative moods that hold you back.

Formulas For Life - DNA MoleculesFormulas For Life

The equation for escaping your rut is made up of these three formulas:

  1. Formula for Happiness – when your life conditions match up with your blueprint (LC=BP)
  2. Formula for Unhappiness – Your life conditions do not work and don’t match your blueprint
  3. Formula for Suffering – Your life conditions do not equal your blueprint, and you feel powerless to change it!

Obviously, the ideal means that you live most of your life in formula 1, and NOT in formula 3! How can you do that, though? You have to either change your life conditions, or change your life’s blueprint. That means that you must do one of the following tasks:

  1. Change what you are doing physically to in order to change your life.
  2. Change your thinking when you need to change your blueprint or expectations.

What do you think about this theory of the formulas for life? We can all admit that it is impossible to avoid sometimes dipping into formula 2 or 3. However, there is no reason we can’t spend the majority of our time in formula 1. A community of like minded people such as our ATL Inner Circle Group can help a LOT to motivate you!

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