

Rob Rowsell is a successful multifamily real estate investor. He didn’t earn wealth by focusing on the wrong priorities. Here’s Rob’s Investor Report Card. If you’re not prioritizing your goals in the right order, you won’t live a fulfilled life. Prioritize your Walk with the Lord FIRST, then your Health, your Relationships, your Personal Development, and THEN your Wealth. Review this report card honestly every month. If you didn’t get straight A’s this month, no worries. This list will show you what you need to do to improve next month.

Investor Report Card Investor Report Card – It’s Not Just About Money

One of Rob’s mentors, Robert Kiyosaki, often mentions an investor report card strictly in the financial sense. However, this report card takes a more holistic approach, examining Rob’s six pillars, in order of importance:

  1. Walk With The Lord: None of our endeavors as believers will truly succeed without putting them where they belong: under God’s Lordship. We exist to serve Him, and He will bless our efforts if we trust in Him.
  2. Health: Our bodies are temples to God. If we don’t exercise, eat healthy food, and get enough rest, we won’t be around as long as we could to honor God.
  3. Relationships: Healthy relationships with ourselves and our families, friends, and neighbors come first. When we treat those that we see the most right, then treating business associates will come naturally.
  4. Personal Development: Regular study will help you become the best version of yourself. This includes reading the right books to increase your financial IQ.
  5. Wealth: When you put in the work on Investor Report Card subjects 1-4, #5 will come to you naturally. Financial freedom in Rob’s world means reaching deca-millionaire or even hecto-millionaire status. Healthcare advancements mean longer lives. Gone are the days of seven figures translating to a comfortable retirement.
  6. Contribution: Giving back means sharing your overall wealth with others. That means the Time, Talent, Treasure, and Testimony that your efforts have earned you.

Join Our Multifamily Investing Community Today

Do you own your own multifamily rental properties? If not, do you plan to do so one day? Then you should consider joining our online financial group, the ATL Inner Circle Community! Each month, investing pro Rob Rowsell will teach you what you must do in order to build wealth in the real estate business. It’s not quite as easy as it looks! Property taxes, liens, and legal fees can all be hard to navigate, so having a successful guide in your corner like Rob is a must! Sign up today!


These wealth draining expenses are essentially holes in your investing income bucket! Multifamily investing success Rob Rowsell advises how YOU can cut expenses and keep filling your wealth bucket!

Wealth Draining Expenses - Money Going Down the DrainFive Wealth Draining Expenses You Should Know About!

Rob lists his top five wealth draining expenses in this video. Here they are, in order:

Expense #1: Ignorance

This may be the easiest trap to fall into for investors. When you have succeeded in one field with minimal effort, you likely will become overconfident. Remember, just because other past endeavors came easy to you, that does not mean that multifamily real estate investing will. This path is a lifelong pursuit, and you will find it to be both complex and competitive.

Expense #2: Taxes

Next to ignorance, nothing can cost you more as an investor than taxes can. “Tax Drag” as Rob refers to it as, can really poke holes in your wealth bucket. Conversely, you can plug those holes legally with the help of your accountant. When you employ the strategies your CPA recommends, the money you save in taxes will count as a big income stream! Remember, the US government has placed many tax incentives in place for real estate investors. Maximizing your wealth depends on finding and employing those incentives.

More Wealth Draining Expenses – Expense #3: Vitality Number

How could your vitality number be one of these wealth draining expenses? If your vitality number (cost of living) is too large, you are flushing cash down the drain. Your parents told you to live within your means, but Rob says live within your values! The alternative is just vanity. Get out of the habit of spending too much today, so you will have a comfortable lifestyle after you retire.

Expense #4: Fee Drag

Accountants, financial advisors, and coaches are crucial to our wealth building journey. However, it is important to periodically audit their services. Are you paying your wealth strategy team too much in fees for what they bring to the table? Keep your eye on the ball, because what you are paying them in fees could be taking a huge chunk out of your wealth bucket. Rob’s tip: insist on meeting with your financial team members via your own Zoom account. Record every meeting, and make sure you integrate the Fireflies AI note taking service with your Zoom app. This way, every piece of advice they give you is both on video and in writing, saved in folders for you to review later.

Expense #5: Inflation

In today’s economy, inflation is on everyone’s minds. The cost of goods and services has gone through the roof lately. With that said, make sure you add 10% to your Vitality Number. Don’t get caught lacking when it’s time to cash out and retire, because this trend will likely continue.

Don’t Fall To Wealth Draining Expenses! Join Our Multifamily Real Estate Investing Community

Do you own multi-family properties? If not, do you aspire to one day? Then you should consider joining our online discussion group, the ATL Inner Circle Community! Each month, Rob Rowsell will teach you what you must do in order to build wealth in the real estate business. It’s not as easy as it looks! Property taxes, liens, and legal fees can all be hard to navigate, so having a successful guide in your corner like Rob is a must! Sign up today!

There are just 3 C’s (and 1 K) to winning the money game! It all centers around properly investing your active income. This is how you build wealth through compound interest. Do you want to build a continuous wealth building machine? Learn how successful multifamily real estate investor Rob Rowsell does it, straight from Rob himself!

Wealth Through Compound Interest Explained

Money Magnet - Wealth Through Compound InterestIn order to win the money game, focus on the 3 C’s (and 1 K) outlined below:


When you start your wealth building journey, your focus is on Active Income. This usually means the money that you earn through working a W2 job. While you work, you need to focus on maximizing your personal earnings. Consult with your CPA to reduce your taxes (starting an LLC is a great first step), finding your side hustle, and control your own personal expenses. When you master your side hustle, that will create surplus cash that you can use to start investing.

Compound, aka Building Wealth Through Compound Interest

The act of compounding wealth consists of buying and building assets. Over time, investing in those assets will build your wealth through compound interest. This is what we call Passive Income, or money that we don’t earn through a job. Rather, we build our fortune through the  Focus on the “doubling clock”. The earlier you start this wealth clock in your life, the more you will double your assets over time.


The “K” in this series refers to the mental shift in keeping your money. This means moving from focusing on Active and Passive Income to relying more on Passive Residual Income (PRI), which many also call Horizontal Income. At this point in your wealth journey, you should start planning your exit. Have a clear vision of what your retirement phase of life looks like.


Lock in the win! It’s time to play it a little more safe with your investments. However, you still need to keep your eyes on your money. Stay engaged and stay relevant. Enjoy the “compound curve” and get ready to enjoy your golden years. Remember, billionaire financial wizard Warren Buffett amassed most of his fortune after the age of 68, and he had been investing most of his adult life!

Join Our Multifamily Investing Community Today

Do you own your own multifamily rental properties? If not, do you plan to do so one day? Then you should consider joining our online financial group, the ATL Inner Circle Community! Each month, investing pro Rob Rowsell will teach you what you must do in order to build wealth in the real estate business. It’s not quite as easy as it looks! Property taxes, liens, and legal fees can all be hard to navigate, so having a successful guide in your corner like Rob is a must! Sign up today!