live learning


Rob soaks up knowledge any way he can get it. Which is a better method, though? Youtube Learning vs. Live Events – Youtube learning is convenient, but it’s easy to get distracted by “brain candy”. Sometimes you need the distraction, but it’s not always ideal. There’s something special about learning at conferences and live events.

Youtube learning - taking notes and watching videos online.Youtube Learning vs. Live Events

Our friend David followed up on a point Rob made earlier in the call about how easily we can waste our time scrolling social media. Before we know it, a half hour has gone by and we haven’t learned anything. Rob talked about unplugging every other day from online content. While the time spent decompressing with silly videos (“brain candy”) online is okay, it’s important that we prioritize time to learn. This includes Youtube learning.

Rob continued this thought, pointing out that we can’t live healthy lives just consuming candy. Our bodies need protein, carbohydrates, and fat to run properly. In much the same way, our minds need to consume more “nutritious” content in order to continue growing. Without healthy content for personal development, the brain candy will overtake our minds.

To contrast the Youtube learning method, Rob then espoused the merits of live events. When Rob attends conferences, he is energized by the other attendees. Everyone is at the event for the same purpose, and that encourages him to soak in the knowledge. Also, he mentioned the “barrier of entry” to these events. Events with free admission may not attract folks for the right reasons. When people pay their hard earned money to attend a live event, they are serious about learning all they can. Rob encouraged us that sometimes splurging for the VIP ticket to meet the guest of honor or receive other perks is often a good investment for your education dollars. Those experiences can be unique opportunities you may never get again.

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