law of exposure

"Addicted to Life" Chapter 7 Review - You Must Understand the Law of Exposure!

"Addicted to Life" Chapter 7 Review - You Must Understand the Law of Exposure!

In this fresh webinar, Rob reviews ATL Chapter 7. The chapter theme is “You Must Understand the Law of Exposure!” This principle says that we are what we expose ourselves to. In fact, Rob is so bold as to say the difference between where you are right now and where you will be boils down to:

  1. The books you read
  2. Podcasts and audio learning materials you immerse yourself in
  3. The sermons you attend
  4. Seminars and webinars you participate in
  5. The people you meet and surround yourself with

We all have the same 24 hours a day and seven days per week. So choose wisely what you expose yourself to during that time!

Law Of Exposure - the books you read make a difference on who you will becomeRob reviews the many ways he has lived the Law of Exposure, including the following:

  • The mentors who have taught him the most important lessons in his life
    • Richard Broadwater, Rob’s former employer, hired him as a homeless man. Richard helped him realize his first big goal of owning his own auto repair shop.
    • Dave Lindall helped Rob’s health journey, inspiring him to run marathons; Dave also encouraged Rob and Claudia to grow their real estate business and take on new investors.
  • Books have made a huge influence in his journey. This includes strengthening his faith, improving his health, and bolstering his  financial literacy.
    • The book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki jumpstarted Rob’s wealth journey investing in real estate. Two years after reading this book, Rob had applied the knowledge enough to earn a prestigious award.
    • The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren made a huge difference in Rob’s walk with God. After he became sober, Rob learned the purposes all Christians have in life and began applying them.
  • Google searches that have supplied crucial knowledge
  • Must-listen podcasts on a variety of subjects
    • When you want to be more like a great teacher, subscribing to their podcast is an easy way to absorb their knowledge on the go.
  • Phone Apps (both paid and free) make Rob’s daily learning and regular tasks easier.
    • The YouVersion Bible App and Audible offer audio features to listen on the go.

Law Of Exposure: Continuous Learning Makes All The Difference

Being a continuous learner is of the utmost importance. Remember: Exposure, Exposure, Exposure creates Belief. Then, the actions you take in response to those beliefs enhance your life.

To read about the rest of his story, buy the book “Addicted to Life” today at

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