
Information Overload - Business Brain Short CircuitTown Hall Academy Episode 109: How to Handle the  Information Overload, Workload, and All That You Have to Learn

Key Talking Points:

Mark Roberts

  • Prioritize – Decide on what’s important, then focus.  Limit distractions to avoid information overload. I don’t have any email or social media alerts turned on. My phone stays on silent or dnd most times.
  • Trust and empower your staff (delegate)
  • Clear your head. Write things down in order to get them out of your head. I use an app (Remember the Milk) for most daily things. Do it, delegate it, defer it, or drop it.
  • Exercise. There are lots of benefits to this.

Donny Seyfer

  • How, when, and how long are the best to learn new things?
  • Filters our brain automatically sets to ignore what we either don’t want to hear or don’t understand
  • Neural pathways, what they are and how to mow the lawn on them.

Rob Rowsell

  • What’s your system for breaking down the mountain of actionable items you get from this type of an event? If you don’t have a system, you won’t get much done. Select 3-5 items that must get done before you move to other items on the list.
  • The Working on it Tuesdays (WOIT) strategy ensures I don’t forget items at the “helicopter level”. Those are tasks only I can do. We’ve all heard of “Working ON my business, not IN my business”. I dedicate this day/time for that. This is uninterrupted “Maker” time, not “Manager” time.
  • Set realistic, measurable quarterly goals. This also applies to education time. Your coach can help with this. I’m amazed how people overestimate how much can be done in three months, then underestimate what can be done in a year. Write and review what’s most important to get done this quarter, then break that down to what you can knock out weekly. Attack the portion of the list that is “maker” time on Tuesdays. That will really help “move the ball down the field”.
  • Assign the $10/hour items on your list to a team member. That is a huge help to avoid information overload. Overloading on tasks that can be assigned to an assistant  or outside vendor, minimizes an owner’s value. Delegate any $50/hour or less work  to someone else. This is helicopter level thinking. The value we bring to the table is $500/hour+. Although this may be foreign to some, thinking like this will start the process. I once thought I had to take out the trash to set the example for my people. Little did I know I was hurting them by not working on what really made a difference for the company they work for.

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