

Rob’s personal coach Trevor McGregor details the Six Human Needs that author Tony Robbins preaches in this clip from the ATL Community Gathering. These needs are outlined below, and they are essential for your personal growth:

  1. Certainty – Do you have faith in God, and know you’re in the right place and time in life?
  2. Uncertainty / Variety – We need diverse interests and activities
  3. Significance – Feeling of importance
  4. Connection and Love – Connecting with others and giving/receiving love from others
  5. Growth – If you aren’t growing, you are dying! Get in community to start growing
  6. Contribution – Giving of your time, talent, and treasure to give back to others.

The six human needs demonstrated by a happy family - parents and kids personal growthThese needs are often interdependent of each other. They can also come from different sources in our lives. Which of these needs do you need more of in your own life?

Six Human Needs For Personal Growth Explained

Four Primary Needs for Personal Growth


We all need to feel certain that we are safe, and we will be okay. This could mean your own personal faith. When you are content in knowing the most important fact in your life is true, you are free to branch out into other ventures that fulfill you. To readers of this blog, that probably means investing in real estate or starting a new business venture. How certain are you that God has His hand on you from 1-10? Do you walk in faith?

Uncertainty and Variety

If we did the same exact routine every day, then we would get bored. Furthermore, we would grow stale in our personal growth and fulfillment. We need an element of uncertainty and variety in our life. Trevor cited the real estate investment game as full of this kind of variety. However, hobbies such as sports and travel are better examples.

Significance – Essential For Personal Growth

We must find a way to feel significant. Many of us find our significance in our roles as spouses and parents. Our careers as property investors can also give us that feeling of importance. Find your place, so you can do whatever you are passionate about to the highest level you can.

Connection and Love

Perhaps most obvious of all is our need for connection to others. Every human needs to give and receive love from others in order to feel like life is worth living. Whether it is your relationship with friends and loved ones, tenants, or the Lord, being disconnected can really drag us down. When we live a life of gratitude and prioritize those connections, we can really bloom.

Needs of the Spirit


Rob often reminds us that if a plant isn’t growing, it is dying. Similarly, if we become stagnant in our own personal growth, it will hurt us. When we join a community, it  helps us to grow. That could mean your local church, or even a professional group of peers such as the ATL Inner Circle Community.


When we contribute to our own health and wealth, we gain the resources to help others. God put all of us here to help others. Whether it’s through giving money to charity or sharing our knowledge with others in the rental property business, contribution is important.

Join Our Community

Do you own multi-family properties? If not, do you aspire to one day? Then you should consider joining our online discussion group, the ATL Inner Circle Community! Each month, Rob Rowsell will teach you what you must do in order to build wealth in the real estate business. It’s not as easy as it looks! Property taxes, liens, and legal fees can all be hard to navigate, so having a successful guide in your corner like Rob is a must! Sign up today!