bonus depreciation


Real Estate Cost Segregation is a write-off you MUST take advantage of! A skilled property investment CPA explains how you can write off these key deductions for your multi-family investments. The magical concept of Bonus Depreciation makes it all possible. Don’t miss this crucial information on some huge investment tax breaks for real estate investors!

Tax Deductions of Cost Segregation and Depreciation on rental property - income stream for real estate investors and multi-family investments.Writing Off Real Estate Cost Segregation via Bonus Depreciation on Multi-Family Properties

In previous ATL Gathering video clips, CPA Kevin Bassett explained various deductions that we can take advantage of. As he wraps up this series, Kevin lists some bonus write-offs.

Specifically in this clip, he focuses on Cost Segregation. This real estate tax strategy allows property owners to identify and write off depreciation over a shorter period than the standard 39 years. These depreciable assets may include a portion of your HVAC system, plumbing pipes, electrical electrical, and building finishes.

The benefit of bonus depreciation will phase out completely in 2026, and it is gradually reducing annually. In 2022, it was a 100% deduction. As of this writing, a bill in the US Senate to cancel that decree is stalling. While the getting is good, real estate investors can still write off up to $1 million in property depreciation if their profits are high enough.

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