
Review parts 1 through 15 for details and thinking, then utilize the Recipe for Change.

Part 14 – Look in the Mirror

Look at your reflection - are you the problem?Why can’t I change?  That’s a great question. It’s hard to answer, but there is hope. I was talking to a shop owner, and he kept telling me his people would not do what he asked them to do. He could not find people to work in his business, and he has owned this shop for 10 years. He was blaming other people, so I pulled the trump card and hit him between the eyes.

I shared with him it was HIM that was the problem. His lack of Leadership and Management skills were his biggest hurdle. By the way, he is working around 100 hours per week; I would say he is on a death march. As John C. Maxwell says, “everything rises and falls on Leadership.” Do you believe this shop owner can change his ways? Or perhaps it’s YOU and your business that needs to change.

Where will you start? What will be your pathway to change? What’s wrong with you? How do you shake the bad behavior? How will you turnaround your condition? Can you truly transform?


It all starts with your thinking, because your thoughts govern each area of our lives – emotions, decisions, actions, attitudes and words – any lasing transformation must begin with your mind.

You need a new way of thinking by renewing your mind.

You renew your mind by beginning a personal development journey.

When you think right, you’ll act right.

The Recipe for Change

When you’re baking a cake, there are certain ingredients that are necessary for the cake to come out as planned. You need to follow a step by step procedure. Include all portions as described, mix as indicated, then cook for the optimum time and temperature. Any variation from the recipe may cause an incomplete and utter disaster! If you don’t follow the recipe, you will not get the results you were expecting.

When you’re leading your company and staff through change, a recipe would be very helpful, so here it is:

  1. You must be totally committed to the change (1 gallon)
  2. It must be well defined and written (1 pint)
  3. You must be willing to accept the push back and resistance (1 quart)
  4. Create the WHY story to sell to sell your staff (Five Pounds)
  5. Talk to them one-on-one (1 Tablespoon)
  6. Give them time to adjust mentally to the change (Let Marinate 1 week)
  7. Let them express their feelings (Snap-Crackle-Pop)
  8. Set a rollout date for the change to occur (Cook Time 10 Days)
  9. Have many training sessions before rollout (Mixing steps)
  10. Establish the change as a habit (Tasting the results)

This is a quick and simple recipe for change. Follow the ingredients and steps, and see what results you will achieve. Review parts 1 through 15 for more details and thinking.

Management is the formula.

Leadership is the essential catalyst.

You are the stick that stirs the ingredients.