Attendance vs Biblical Church Membership: Really Different?


Rob explains what real Biblical Church Membership looks like. God does not call us to merely attend church, sit in the pews, and listen. If we are serious about our spiritual walk, we will get involved. God is at work, and it’s up to us to seek out a church where we can join in! The Bible teaches us to God’s hands and feet in our communities, so heed God’s Word; Become a member of a Bible believing church, and take action in loving the people around you!

Church Attendance – NOT Biblical Church Membership

Rob starts out by listing what Biblical Church Membership does not look like. Specifically, he points out what it looks like when folks just attend worship services and do not contribute to God’s ministry.

Biblical Church Membership means worship, but not just in the sanctuaryBiblical Church Membership Looks Like This…


The Lord isn’t always interested in our ability so much as He is our availability. Sacrifice your time and talents as a volunteer in your local church on Sundays. When you serve others, you are following Christ’s example, as well as helping your church body carry out its mission. This will look different for different people. Rob cited the example that his wife Claudia volunteers in the nursery, but holding babies isn’t his forte. He often joins the prayer team before services to prepare for God’s blessings and pray for those who need them.

Tithing Your Treasure

If you are a Christian and you don’t think giving a tithe is important, then you should turn in your Bible to Malachi 3:9-10. God literally curses the whole nation for not tithing! Conversely, He promises to bless his followers who tithe from their income abundantly!

Biblical Church Membership Means Sharing Your Testimony and Building Relationships

Rob has a powerful testimony. God brought him up from life on the streets and drug addiction. Now, he is blessed with a beautiful family and successful business ventures, not to mention his physical health. Rob has been privileged to share his story and help his churchmates, opening up his home for meals and small group meetings. You never know who could benefit from hearing and seeing how God has changed your life. Who knows, building friendships with those in your congregation could bless you even more!

Deeper Study and Additional Attendance

Continuing the example of helping others in your church, Rob mentions seizing opportunities to get involved past weekly Sunday services. Rob leads a group of young businessmen in a Wednesday Bible Study. He and his students study God’s Word as they grow closer to Him and each other. Rob also attends the Celebrate Recovery events on Monday nights. While Rob speaks about his experiences in the past with drugs to encourage others, there are also a variety of other “hurts, habits, and hangups” attendees seek to overcome together.

Serving Others Outside the Church Walls

A church isn’t a building. It is rather a group of living, breathing humans called to love God and love others. That means moving beyond the church walls to serve others in the community. One opportunity Rob’s local church affords its parishioners is to feed and clothe the homeless every Tuesday. Jesus taught us that how we’ve treated “the least of these” is how we treat Him in this life. Each week, one to three individuals at these events surrenders and asks for help with drugs and alcohol addiction. The church serves them by paying for their rehabilitation. Many of the graduates go on to help with the church’s homeless relief program themselves.

Next, Rob runs down a ministry he is very proud of. Three times each year, he organizes a group to build houses in Mexico. On a chance visit south of the border, God impressed on Rob’s heart to leverage his connections to assemble these groups for this mission opportunity.

Inviting Others To Share In Biblical Church Membership

Finally, Rob explains how a long season of prayer and invitation led his sister to join him for worship each Sunday. He shows photos of other friends and family who have joined in Biblical Church Membership with him. It may be uncomfortable, but you will never regret inviting your friends, loved ones, and even enemies to worship in God’s house!

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Do you own multi-family properties? If not, do you aspire to one day? Then you should consider joining our online discussion group, the ATL Inner Circle Community! Each month, Rob Rowsell will teach you what you must do in order to build wealth in the real estate business. It’s not as easy as it looks! Property taxes, liens, and legal fees can all be hard to navigate, so having a successful guide in your corner like Rob is a must! Sign up today!


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